Grace Life Academy The Contrast: Self-Effort vs. Rest

The Contrast: Self-Effort vs. Rest

The top reason prayers go unanswered is because we ask God to do something that He has already given us the authority to do ourselves. The power of God gives us the ability to get the job done and see results by speaking His Word over any situation that arises. The covenant of grace frees us from having to believe in what we do, and teaches us the power of believing in what Jesus has already done. There is no reason to tolerate anything Satan throws at you because your ability greatly exceeds his. Gain understanding of this powerful revelation in this series and defeat Satan by accessing your God-given authority.

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Grace Life Academy The Contrast: Self-Effort vs. Rest

Discover how to:

  • Rightly divide what it means to be at rest on a spiritual level
  • Knowing the difference between working to get God to do something and having faith in what he has already done.
  • Move beyond the mindset that makes it difficult for us to believe that we could actually receive something from God without doing anything to deserve it.

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