How To Study The Bible?

Author of Kris McNair Kris McNair · March 11, 2020

Learn the basics of how to understand the Scriptures within the context of the finished works of Jesus Christ.

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 26 Topics
  • 16 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate


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  1. An eye opener on how to study the Bible: Pre-Christ, Post Christ. Never heard it taught this way before. It makes sense because we are not under the law but under grace.

    Thank you for your insight

  2. I asked for understanding…after reading the lesson and verses…I could answer most of my worksheet…I’m amazed at how much I learned by understanding the Bible…I Thank Jesus and Grace Life Academy.

    1. Hi Judith,

      Sorry for the late response, we do a lot of updates recently, hopefully the study guides are working now on your end.

      Thank you!

      Have a great week!