Grace Life Academy Eliminating the Bondage of Fear

Eliminating the Bondage of Fear

In these end times, fear is prevalent everywhere we look. The way to combat this negative emotion is by standing on the promises found in God’s Word, and choosing to believe them. Terror is not God’s will for us; therefore, we must not tolerate it. As believers, we live in the world but we are not part of it. This means that while others are fearful, we are faithful; and while others are in bondage, we are at liberty. We can stay at peace while going about our daily routines, because we trust God to keep us safe. When fear spreads like an epidemic, His Word is the perfect antidote against it.

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Grace Life Academy Eliminating The Bondage Of Fear

Discover how to:

  • Not look at the circumstances but rather look to the Heavenly Father’s provisions and promises.
  • Acknowledge & accept your adoption as God’s child, not as a slave.
  • Cry out to God as “Abba / Father”, not as just an impersonal God.

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