How to Never be Hurt Again

If we have ever been hurt in a relationship, or are hurting now, we must learn how to deal with it so that we can recover and move on. We live in an angry world; much of that anger stems from the emotional pain of being hurt. Trying to go on with our lives with unresolved hurt as our foundation gives us a warped, twisted view of life and makes us bitter. We have an enemy who works through others to hurt us and paralyze us in our past. However, believers have been given authority and power over the enemy; this includes his ability to hurt us. We walk in freedom from hurt by dealing with it God’s way, not the world’s way. We win by shifting our focus from our past and what the devil says about us to our future and what God says about us.

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Discover how to:

  • Learn to deal with hurt so we can heal
  • Change your focus from what the world tells you
  • God is bigger than the situation you are in

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