Grace Life Academy Know When to Say No

Know When to Say No

As parents, we all love our children and want the best for them; however, we need godly wisdom to know exactly what “the best” is. It is normal to want to help our kids as much as we can. However, despite our best intentions, there is always the possibility of enabling them instead of helping them. When they make requests of us, our response is everything; sometimes tough love is the best response. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. In all parenting situations, relying on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction enables us to do just that.

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Grace Life Academy Know When to Say No

Discover how to:

  • Figure out the happy medium between assistance and challenges
  • Learn how to raise a self sufficient child
  • Empower your children to make decisions on their own

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