Positioning Yourself to Be Led by God

Life can be a confusing mystery if we do not know why we were born. God has given all of us a purpose for our lives; He is committed to guiding us to clarity and understanding of that plan. We have all received gifts and talents that enable us to fulfill the mission He has for us. Our job is to follow God’s lead to discover what those anointings are. Following His direction often requires that we go through difficult circumstances designed to strengthen us for the journey to where He wants us to be. We cannot be successful if we cut God out of our lives; we only end up broken and spiritually blind. Yielding to Him allows Him to lead us to our place of wholeness.

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Discover how to:

  • Follow God’s lead to understand what your gifts and talents are
  • Become spiritually unblind
  • Allow God to lead us to our place of wholeness

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