Grace Life Academy Steps Out Of Depression

Steps Out Of Depression

Depression can be described as emotional distress, and it is not God’s will for us. It is a sickness we do not need to tolerate because Jesus has already healed and redeemed us from it. Specifically, He went to the cross and paid the ransom to spare us from depression. God wants us to be healthy on all levels, including in our souls, where our feelings are located. When we feel negative emotions, we master them by resisting them and not allowing them to gain a foothold in our minds. We do this by standing on our believer’s authority, employing our faith in the Word, and giving praise and thanksgiving for what God has done for us. In this way, we escape depression and maintain our emotional stability.

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Grace Life Academy Steps Out Of Depression

Discover how to:

  • Escape depression through a four step process.
  • Maintain emotional stability by learning how to respond to your emotions.
  • Change the direction of your future by stepping out of emotional bondage.

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