Mastering Your Emotions With Peace


Our emotions can either take us to a bad place that is away from God’s will for us, or to a good place that moves us toward where He wants us to be. Everyone has a choice of what feelings they will allow to stay in their minds. God has given believers authority over emotions; therefore, we get to decide where we will go. Most people do not understand how feelings work, and they think they cannot control them. However, we are all accountable for the way we feel. Christians who know God’s Word in this area have the power to take charge of their emotions and refuse to be dominated by them. The emotion of peace is from God, and this is one of the most powerful weapons we can use to find emotional stability. Peace is found in His Word, which is where we need to go when negative feelings come on us.

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Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 6 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate


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  1. Thank You, Lord for this course & Pastor Dollar. This is the answer that I have been needing for the past 10 years. I finally feel like I am moving upwards in my search for my Father.

  2. Thank you Lord Jesus for Amazing Time to spend with you in your word of truth Thank you for pastor Dollar for showing us how we can spend Time in your word allow the Holy spirit to speak to us about this Amazing vision you have for us all .I’m so Grateful to Have a teachable spirit of Grace Amen

  3. Thank you God for letting me know that I have control over my emotions. For teaching me that to be a daughter/son of God is to be spiritual minded and to renew my mind in the word, so I can live.

  4. I didn’t expect this course to be easy. It was just what I needed. I wrote down my notes and God words to meditate until it become my second Wind then apart of my life. THANK YOU JESUS